

Arrick Robotics was founded by Roger Arrick in 1987 after the personal computer accessory market became dominated by the far east which stunted the growth of Arrick Computer Products - a maker of switch boxes and power control products since 1980.
The first product offered was the MD-2 motor control system which was a subsystem of a robot arm that was being developed. The MD-2 became popular with users of telescopes for computer controlled positioning then expanded into factory automation and research projects via the Personal Computing Tools catalog. Over the years positioners were added to broaden the product line.

In the mid-90's, Roger decided that there was a small market for mobile robots and the first Trilobot was designed. These were mainly sold to Universities for research projects. Later, Trilobot was given a complete update with improved sensors, a gripper, etc. Today, Trilobots are also used in High-School labs throughout the US, and have been seen on TV, in magazines, and on the front page of Scientific American's web site.

In the late 90's Roger developed ARobot which is a lower-cost robot intended for hobbyists and educators. Wiley Publishing asked Roger to write 'Robot Building for Dummies' in 2002 and the book was released in 2003. The book is focused around expanding ARobot to include speech, video and other devices. ARobot has been featured in magazines, on the front cover of Edmund Scientific's catalog, and is popular among robot builders world-wide.

Arrick Robotics remains a small company based in Tyler, Texas where all products are designed and built.

contact us:

Mailing and Shipping Address:
Arrick Robotics
10768 Technology Dr. CR2335
Tyler, TX 75707 USA

Phone: 903.566.4700
Fax: 903.566.4709
Email: info@robotics.com

